Welcome to our Family
Grande Prairie and District Catholic Schools serves students of all faiths & backgrounds residing in the regional communities of Grande Prairie, Beaverlodge, Spirit River, and Sexsmith. Our high-quality education is available to all families, and transportation is provided in urban and rural areas. Our emphasis is Catholic Christianity grounded in Gospel values that articulate strong ethics, morals, and values and the creation of a better community. Staff members of Grande Prairie & District Catholic Schools are a team of approximately 700+ staff who provide educational and Faith-based services to over 5400 students in 13 school. No matter what role each staff member has, it is and must always ultimately be about serving the educational needs of the children in our schools. Our students excel in many areas including academics, athletics, arts, and the skills. We are extremely excited to have you as part of our team. This is going to be a great year. May God bless your time with our Division. |
Let the children come to me.
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